After the release Infinity Blade We realized that tablets and Unreal Engine 3 are quite compatible things. Of course, it’s too early to talk about a full-fledged port-a picture, with all its “mobile coolness”, is still significantly different with a PC analogue. But the beginning is laid, yes. But at the cost of some brakes, simplifications and forced changes in level design. Wild Blood – just one of these projects. Before the release, she was presented almost as a cult item “with the most modern picture, a hurricane gameplay and an exciting plot”. Well, in the preface, we now only carefully note that this is the first experience of “communication” Gameloft With technology from Epic Games. With all the ensuing.
The first portable pancake
Time will have to sit with Lancelot. The knight suddenly turns out to be that womanizer, for which he becomes a person of non grata at the king. Is it a joke – to twist shawls with the queen abroad at his Majesty. The furious head of the kingdom asks for help from his sister Morgana. She immediately opens the portals of the underworld throughout the country and wishes the Lancelot of the most important death. And so that the knight was not so sad to fight with hordes of monsters from the other world, his lover is put in prison. Such passions.
Conduct fierce battles with demons in the case of Wild Blood means the following. You run along a well -decorated, but lifeless streets of a typical medieval city and poke on a virtual button, as soon as you see the manifestations of otherworldly life. Monsters are killed extremely easily and painless for the hero. Torn corpses generously fall on you mountains … No, not guts, but gold coins. They fall out of barrels, you just have to put the latter on chips. Another monetary reward can be obtained from peasants released from cells. And if a lady is the next saved subject, then you will get a passionate kiss in the load!
The earned gold is spent on improving weapons and abilities. There are three “cold” murder tools in total: ax, sword and bow. Accordingly, magical techniques are torn to manu are tied to them. Say, the sword here knows how to belp the hellish flame, and onions – shoot frozen arrows. Yes, they almost forgot, the gold here is still in the chests generously placed in the level. If it is not locked, then Lancelot usually removes the top cover with a deft blow with his foot. But if the impregnable casket turns out to be locked with a key-we are mercy of asking to participate in a simple mini-igre.
Easy both in learning and in battle
The combat system c Wild Blood Extremely simple. We beat the next enemies with a sword. Everything that is on distant approaches is bestowed with arrows, and in special cases, it is additionally processed with secrees. In some opponents, the armor is strong and reliable. In such situations, the only right solution is to clamp the action button to accumulate energy with its subsequent release on the arrogant demon.
In the camp of the opposing camp, one can notice terrestrial half -zombies, and flying miniature dragons, and even copies. With the promotion on the storyline, we will meet more exotic options with bows, cesaks and “pumped” swords.
But meetings with the local “bosses” – continuous disappointment. All of them are weak, clumsy and are killed by a stupid “jamming”. At least some challenge is thrown by the last villain, but he will not cause significant difficulties among the players who know firsthand what slasher is.
A certain interest is caused by multiplayer. A couple of cards, the same number (CTF and classic Deathmatch). It is at the very least, but it works. Finally, we mention the most annoying moment in Wild Blood – General performance. It is evident that for Gameloft Mastering the engine from Epic Games It is given with difficulty. In more or less saturated with action scenes, the game terribly slows down, animation of the character movements becomes indecent to the duck.
Wild Blood – average (even by the standards of portable platforms) slasher on a mighty engine that is not well optimized here. More detailed description this time, perhaps, is not necessary.
Pros: good graphics;non -straightening soundtrack;A well -thought -out, though not the most difficult system of “pumping”.
Cons: mandatory “brakes” in action scenes;monotony;Low difficulty.